Monday, September 28, 2009

the final stretch

as kathleen has put on my facebook page... the FINAL STRETCH.

there are things i will miss. mostly people. but things too.
i think we are meant to live our lives in these little wrinkles. peaks and valleys. things seen and unseen. short term plans. long term dreams.

so tears or fears. joys and anxiety attacks... i'm going to enjoy the wrinkles of my final stretch!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Just outside of four weeks....SO READY!!

5 things I can't wait to leave behind:

1. Mystery meat dinners

2. Booze cruise guests. Lets face it. People going on 3 day cruises to Mexico aren't there for the travel...

3. Our bunk bed. I thought college was behind me...

4. Nit picky bosses

5. "Tequila" and "In the Mood". I only got to play them 500 times!

5 things I will miss:

1. Our new friends. In cruise ship life you have to except friends come fast and leave faster, but there has been some great people on this ship. The bonus? Most of them are internationals giving us great excuses to travel outside the US!

2. The hotel resort in Ensenada. Lately a huge gaggle of us entertainment folks have made that our second home and I've really enjoyed the comraderie, silly pool games, free internet, sun and hot tub.

3. Thinking....

4. Seriously, I'm trying....

5. No honestly, I think we're just so excited to see family and friends and take a vacay and spend nights away from this boat, that its hard to see what we could miss.

5 things I can't wait for:

1. Did I mention I can't wait to spend an evening on land? Its the small things folks...My plan is to spend the first evening with Kris on my parents deck, watching the sunset (If we get home in time) and sipping some good wine all the way into the night.

2. Family. I'm gonna give the little kids big blubber kisses!

3. Swedish pancakes. Seriously.

4. A bed that I can sit up in.

5. ROAD TRIP! WOOHOOO!! For that matter driving :) Hope I havent forgotten how...

4 weeks...we can do this.


Note: Above picture is Kris with the captain at her Employee of the Month dinner. The below picture is me with, well, Shamu! :)